Motivate visitors to carry out
sustainable actions at your event

People can earn ECO coins at events by carrying out sustainable actions before and during the event such as building a bird house, recycling, taking a sustainable transportation option, choosing a meat-free meal or learning about sustainable practises and ideas through workshops. ECO coins are stored digitally on a web application and can then be spent on green products, services and experiences during and after the event.

Interested in running the ECO coin at your event?



Waste is expensive so we can change visitors behaviours to save on energy, water, plastic, food waste and transport.


Help guide visitors through your event whilst letting them take part in sustainable activities by themselves or with others.


We can quantifiably prove the sustainable impact of your event and help package that information so that it can be shared.


We enable events to track, measure and reward sustainable impact

By working with the ECO coin you will receive

  • A co-creation workshop to establish how your new sustainable economy will work for your event.

    A custom built, easy to use application to promote, verify and reward sustainable actions.

    Training and support for vendors in the sustainable marketplace before and during the event.

    Data in realtime so you can see what is working and what can be improved during the event.

    Impact reporting after the event so you can measure your success and showcase it to the world.


DGTL Festival

DGTL festival wants to become fully circular by 2020. In order to achieve this 80% can be done from making logistical changed but 20% of the changes involve the festival's visitors. The ECO coin was used to engage visitors in order to meet their goals. Visitors could earn ECOs by recycling waste, learning about new sustainable innovations through workshops and eating low impact food. They could spend them on exclusive music downloads, access to a secret club and on delicious sustainable beers.




Actions carried out


C02 Reduction